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Mastering Mindfulness: Easing Interview Nervousness

Category: Jobs | Created By: Upreak | Created At: 2024-03-26

1. Acknowledge It 

How: If you're nervous, remember it's okay to admit this to yourself. 

Why: Acceptance can be the first step to overcoming nervousness. 


2. Stay Calm and Composed 

How: Focus on the present and the interviewer's questions.  

Why: It helps you to not get overwhelmed and to respond thoughtfully. 


3. Offer Solutions 

How: If you stumble, acknowledge it and suggest a corrective course.  

Why: It shows you're solution-oriented and responsible. 


4. Reflect Post-Interview 

How: Analyze your performance objectively once the interview is over.  

Why: It's a learning experience that can prepare you for future opportunities.